# Energy equivalents Energy equivalents are given per module, and express the expected energy output per unit of water. The equivalents enter the optimization problem through scaling of penalty values, and in the end-value setting. In addition, Prodrisk uses the equivalents when calculating some aggregated results, for instance reservoir volume in $GWh$. The Prodrisk core takes global equivalents as input, meaning that for each module, the equivalent should approximate the total production per unit of water flowing from the current module down to the sea. The input is in $GWh/Mm^3$, and can be given either constant in time or with weekly resolution. ## Input format When running Prodrisk through the command line, constant-in-time global energy equivalents are set in the *model.h5* file, under "Module_data" -> "conv_factor". Time-dependent global equivalents are set in the *DYNMODELL.SIMT* file. When running through the API, the attributes *energyEquivalentConst* and *energyEquivalent* are used for setting constant-in-time and time-dependent global equivalents respectively. ## Local energy equivalents (only in API)[^1] In the API, users can choose to input local energy equivalents per module instead of global (to-sea) equivalents. The new attributes are *localEnergyEquivalentConst* and *localEnergyEquivalent*. Conversion to global equivalents will then be done internally by the API according to the following procedure: - For each module, the global equivalent is calculated as the sum of local equivalents for all modules downstream - If there exist pumps or hydraulic couplings downstream, the path resulting in the highest global equivalent is chosen - Energy equivalents for pumps are calculated internally by the API, and are subtracted from a global equivalent if the pump is included in the path If multiple energy equivalent attributes are set, the API will prioritize as follows: 1. localEnergyEquivalent 2. localEnergyEquivalentConst 3. energyEquivalent 4. energyEquivalentConst [^1]: From Prodrisk 10.7.0