# Command line options When running Prodrisk from a command window, the run is controlled by parameters set in the file prodrisk.CPAR and command line options. The intention has been to let the user define running modes on the command line. The command line options are case-insensitive and should follow a hyphen [^1] ("-"), e.g. "-sim" or "-SIM". One can specify multiple commands at the same time, e.g. "-sim -sekv". In the API, all command line options can be specified in the string attribute [command_line_option](https://docs.prodrisk.sintef.energy/objects/setting/setting.html#command-line-option). Some options are also available through separate attributes. # Default setting When no options are selected, Prodrisk will start a new computation without using previously computed cuts (if any). If head coefficients on the file HKORR.SDDP are available and the data are compatible, Prodrisk runs a final run only. If not, Prodrisk runs an initial run to create head coefficients, and then a final run using these coefficients. The computed head coefficients from the second run are stored on the file NY_HKORR.SDDP. If the file MAGVOL.SDDP exists and holds compatible data, the head used in the backward recursion will be based on the mean reservoir trajectories stored on this file. If not, the head used in the backward recursion will be based on the defined reservoir rule curve. New mean reservoir trajectories are printed to the file NY_MAGVOL.SDDP. # -version Print out version string and exit application. # -v see -version # -startcut Use this option if you would like to use cuts from a previous Prodrisk run as end value setting instead of water values from EOPS. The same option may be activated as the additional feature "KUTT, Ja" in the interactive dialogue. The corresponding API attribute is [cuts_as_endvalue_setting](https://docs.prodrisk.sintef.energy/objects/setting/setting.html#cuts-as-endvalue-setting). # -simconvex Simulate the system in one final simulation using the same assumptions as in the backward recursion. # -sim Simulate the system in one final simulation using previously computed cuts. If head coefficients exist and are identical to those used when creating the cuts, Prodrisk will use the head coefficients in the simulation. # -shopkutt x y z ... This option activates cut coupling to SHOP given that SHOP is selected in the interactive dialogue. This option is used to specify, in relative numbering, which weeks coupling info should be prepared for. Any number of weeks can be specified as integer values X,Y,Z ... For example, "prodrisk - shopkutt 0 1 2 9 53" will result in coupling files for the first, second, ninth and 53rd week in the analysis period, given that they are within the analysis period. Numbers less than one will be ignored as the coupling has to be at least one week in the future. The corresponding API attribute is [shop_cut_weeks](https://docs.prodrisk.sintef.energy/objects/setting/setting.html#shop-cut-weeks). # -sekv Use this option to run with sequential load periods. Using this option will override the control parameter MagBal=0 defined in prodrisk.CPAR, and Prodrisk will run with as many reservoir balances per week as there are sequential load periods. The number of weeks using sequential load periods can be limited by the parameter JUKE_AGGR_PRAVSN in prodrisk.CPAR. # -samk Prodrisk will use water values from the EMPS model. # -printall Print all possible messages to screen. In the current version, the extra information includes spillage from non-full reservoirs. # -nohead Start new run without head coefficients, i.e. an initial run only. New head coefficients are written to the file NY_HKORR.SDDP. # -nocutsave Ensures that cuts are **not** written to the file KUTT.SDDP. # -newhead Use head coefficients from the file NY_HKORR.SDDP. This file will be copied to HKORR.SDDP, and new head coefficents are written to NY_HKORR.SDDP. If the file NY_HKORR.SDDP does not exist, this option will follow the same behavior as in the default setting. # -kalib Allow the market exchange capacity to be reduced in the backward recursion. The reduced capacities can be defined in the *.ENMD-file. If this option is not set, the exchange capacity in the backward recursion is set equal to the capacity used in the forward simulation. # -help Print out simple help string and exit application. # -h see -help # -forts Use previously computed cuts stored in the file KUTT.SDDP. The run will follow the same description as in the default setting. Consider using this option if minor adjustments are made to the data, e.g., changing starting day or initial reservoir. Note that the head coefficients used (if any) must be identical to those used when creating the starting cuts read from KUTT.SDDP. [^1]: This was changed in version 9.9. Prodrisk 9.6 used a combination of hyphen and no hyphen.