--- jupytext: text_representation: extension: .md format_name: myst format_version: 0.13 jupytext_version: 1.13.8 kernelspec: display_name: "Python 3" name: python3 --- (objects)= # Objects Objects are the basic building blocks in a Prodrisk model. The table below shows all available objects in Prodrisk. Click the + icon to show a short description or click the object name to get extensive information. ```{code-cell} ipython3 :tags: ['remove-input', 'full-width'] import itables as itables from itables import init_notebook_mode import pandas as pd from IPython.core.display import HTML init_notebook_mode(all_interactive=True, connected=True) table = pd.read_csv('../objects.csv').reset_index() for index, row in table.iterrows(): table.at[index, "Object type"] = f"""{row["Object type"]}""" itables.show( table, dom='tlip', column_filters='header', columns=[ { 'name': '', 'className': 'dt-control', 'orderable': False, 'data': None, 'defaultContent': '', }, { 'name': 'Object type', 'className': 'dt-body-left' }, { 'name': 'I/O', 'className': 'dt-body-left' }, { 'name': 'License', 'className': 'dt-body-left' }, { 'name': 'Version added', 'className': 'dt-body-left' }, { 'name': 'Description', 'visible': False } ] ) HTML('''''') ```