extension: .md
format_name: myst
format_version: 0.13
jupytext_version: 1.13.8
display_name: 'Python 3'
name: python3
# area
Market data. Exactly one instance is mandatory.
| | |
|Input connections||
|Output connections||
|Release version|9.6.1|
:depth: 1
## Attributes
```{code-cell} ipython3
:tags: ['remove-input', 'full-width']
import itables as itables
from itables import init_notebook_mode
init_notebook_mode(all_interactive=True, connected=True)
import pandas as pd
from IPython.core.display import HTML
table = pd.read_csv('../../../attributes.csv')
core_type_dict = {'int' : 'integer','double':'float','string':'string','int_array':'list-of-integer-values','double_array':'list-of-double-values','xy':'table-xy-curve','xy_array':'list-of-tables','txy':'time-series','txy_stochastic':'stochastic-time-series'}
object_attributes = table[table["Object type"] == "area"].reset_index().iloc[:, 1:]
for index, row in object_attributes.iterrows():
object_attributes.at[index, "Attribute name"] = f"""{row['Attribute name']}"""
object_attributes.at[index, "Core data type"] = f"""{row['Core data type']}"""
search={'regex': True, "caseInsensitive": True},
'name': '',
'className': 'dt-control',
'orderable': False,
'data': None,
'defaultContent': '',
'name': 'Attribute name',
'className': 'dt-body-left'
'name': 'Python data type',
'className': 'dt-body-left'
'name': 'Core data type',
'className': 'dt-body-left'
'name': 'unit',
'className': 'dt-body-left'
'name': 'I/O',
'className': 'dt-body-left'
'name': 'License',
'className': 'dt-body-left'
'name': 'Version added',
'className': 'dt-body-left'
'name': 'Description',
'visible': False
### total_production
Total production (unit: GWh)
### price
Market prices. (unit: EUR/MWh)
### total_reserve_up_capacity
Maximum reserve up capacity (unit: MW)
### output_reserve_down_price
Output reserve down price (unit: EUR/MWh)
### total_reservoir_volume
Total reservoir volume (unit: GWh)
### reserve_up_obligation_cost
Violations of reserve up obligation (unit: MW)
### fcost_per_scen
Forward cost per scenario from final simulation. (unit: framkost_scen and MEUR)
### total_reserve_down_capacity
Maximum reserve down capacity (unit: MW)
### cutRHS
The right-hand side of the cuts is given as an array of XY tables. Each xy table in the array corresponds to a price level in ascending order. The x values are all 0, while the y values are the right-hand side of the cuts. (unit: kEUR)
### expected_objective_value
Expected objective value (includes penalties? includes end reservoir level?) (unit: kEUR)
### backward_cost_first_run
Backward cost per iteration (first main iteration) (unit: MEUR)
### total_energy_consumed
Total energy consumed (unit: GWh)
### cutFrequency
The number of times a cut is binding is given as an array of XY tables. Each xy table in the array corresponds to a price level in ascending order. The x values are all 0, while the y values represent the frequency. (unit: none)
### backward_cost
Backward cost per iteration (unit: K-KOST and MEUR)
### reserve_down_obligation
Reserve down obligation (unit: MW)
### total_reservoir_overflow
Total reservoir overflow (unit: GWh)
### forward_cost
Forward cost per iteration (unit: F-KOST and MEUR)
### indvan_prd_price_level
Price level the water values at start time refers to. (unit: EUR/MWh)
### priceTransition
The probability of jumping from one price level to another. The nPriceLevels first scenarios represent the transition probability of jumping from price level 1 to 1, 1 to 2, 1 to 3, etc., 1 to nPriceLevels. The next nPriceLevels scenarios represent jumping from 2 to 1, 2 to 2 and so on. (unit: none)
### total_nonstorable_inflow
Reserved for future use: total unregulated inflow (unit: GWh)
### output_price
Output price (unit: EUR/MWh)
### reserve_up_price
Reserve up price (unit: EUR/MWh)
### total_reserve_down_allocation
Output total reserve down allocation (unit: MW)
### lognormal_probabilities
Probabilities (weights) from k-means clustering used in the lognormal inflow model (unit: none)
### reserve_down_obligation_cost
Violations of reserve down obligation (unit: MW)
### output_reserve_up_price
Output reserve up price (unit: EUR/MWh)
### total_reserve_up_allocation
Output total reserve up allocation (unit: MW)
### waterValue
Aggregated water values at the end of the simulation interval. Each xy table in the array corresponds to a price level in ascending order. The tables consist of 51 xy points, where the x values represent the relative water level in the reservoir in steps of 2% from 100% down to 0% (descending order). The y values are the water values for the given price level and degree of reservoir filling. (unit: % and EUR/MWh)
### priceBand
The weekly prices corresponding to the price levels calculated by the price model (unit: EUR/MWh)
### total_discharge
Total discharge (unit: GWh)
### water_value_result
Aggregated water values (unit: EUR/MWh)
### forward_cost_first_run
Forward cost per iteration (first main iteration) (unit: MEUR)
### total_energy_pumped
Total energy pumped (unit: GWh)
### reserve_down_price
Reserve down price (unit: EUR/MWh)
### reserve_up_obligation
Reserve up obligation (unit: MW)
### total_storable_inflow
Total inflow (regulated + unregulated) (unit: GWh)