--- jupytext: text_representation: extension: .md format_name: myst format_version: 0.13 jupytext_version: 1.13.8 kernelspec: display_name: 'Python 3' name: python3 --- (pump)= # pump A pump from one module to another. | | | |---|---| |Input connections|| |Output connections|| |License|PRODRISK_OPEN| |Release version|9.6.1| ```{contents} :local: :depth: 1 ``` ## Attributes ```{code-cell} ipython3 :tags: ['remove-input', 'full-width'] import itables as itables from itables import init_notebook_mode init_notebook_mode(all_interactive=True, connected=True) import pandas as pd from IPython.core.display import HTML table = pd.read_csv('../../../attributes.csv') core_type_dict = {'int' : 'integer','double':'float','string':'string','int_array':'list-of-integer-values','double_array':'list-of-double-values','xy':'table-xy-curve','xy_array':'list-of-tables','txy':'time-series','txy_stochastic':'stochastic-time-series'} object_attributes = table[table["Object type"] == "pump"].reset_index().iloc[:, 1:] for index, row in object_attributes.iterrows(): object_attributes.at[index, "Attribute name"] = f"""{row['Attribute name']}""" object_attributes.at[index, "Core data type"] = f"""{row['Core data type']}""" itables.show(object_attributes, dom='tlip', search={'regex': True, "caseInsensitive": True}, column_filters='header', columns=[ { 'name': '', 'className': 'dt-control', 'orderable': False, 'data': None, 'defaultContent': '', }, { 'name': 'Attribute name', 'className': 'dt-body-left' }, { 'name': 'Python data type', 'className': 'dt-body-left' }, { 'name': 'Core data type', 'className': 'dt-body-left' }, { 'name': 'unit', 'className': 'dt-body-left' }, { 'name': 'I/O', 'className': 'dt-body-left' }, { 'name': 'License', 'className': 'dt-body-left' }, { 'name': 'Version added', 'className': 'dt-body-left' }, { 'name': 'Description', 'visible': False } ] ) HTML('''''') ``` (pump:name)= ### name Pump name, written to internal file model.h5. Not used for anything else. (unit: none) (pump:intakeRsvCurve)= ### intakeRsvCurve Do not pump if downstream reservoir volume is below this limit. (unit: Mm3) (pump:maxPumpHeight)= ### maxPumpHeight Largest pumping height (unit: m) (pump:minPumpHeight)= ### minPumpHeight Smallest pumping height (unit: m) (pump:averagePower)= ### averagePower Average consumption when pump is used (unit: MW) (pump:maintenance)= ### maintenance Capacity unavailable due to pump maintenance. This attribute is not required input and may be left out if no maintenance is scheduled (unit: MW) (pump:maxHeightUpflow)= ### maxHeightUpflow Pump upflow at largest pumping height (unit: m3/s) (pump:ownerShare)= ### ownerShare Fraction owned of the pump, used to scale average consumption. Must be in [0,1]. (unit: none) (pump:topology)= ### topology Toplogy description for pumps (external module numbers for): [module containing the pump, module where water is pumped to, module where water is pumped from]. (unit: none) (pump:outletRsvCurve)= ### outletRsvCurve Do not pump if upstream reservoir volume is above this limit. (unit: Mm3) (pump:minHeightUpflow)= ### minHeightUpflow Pump upflow at smallest pumping height (unit: m3/s)