extension: .md
format_name: myst
format_version: 0.13
jupytext_version: 1.13.8
display_name: 'Python 3'
name: python3
# setting
Simulation settings. Exactly one instance is mandatory (added automatically).
| | |
|Input connections||
|Output connections||
|Release version|9.6.1|
:depth: 1
## Attributes
```{code-cell} ipython3
:tags: ['remove-input', 'full-width']
import itables as itables
from itables import init_notebook_mode
init_notebook_mode(all_interactive=True, connected=True)
import pandas as pd
from IPython.core.display import HTML
table = pd.read_csv('../../../attributes.csv')
core_type_dict = {'int' : 'integer','double':'float','string':'string','int_array':'list-of-integer-values','double_array':'list-of-double-values','xy':'table-xy-curve','xy_array':'list-of-tables','txy':'time-series','txy_stochastic':'stochastic-time-series'}
object_attributes = table[table["Object type"] == "setting"].reset_index().iloc[:, 1:]
for index, row in object_attributes.iterrows():
object_attributes.at[index, "Attribute name"] = f"""{row['Attribute name']}"""
object_attributes.at[index, "Core data type"] = f"""{row['Core data type']}"""
search={'regex': True, "caseInsensitive": True},
'name': '',
'className': 'dt-control',
'orderable': False,
'data': None,
'defaultContent': '',
'name': 'Attribute name',
'className': 'dt-body-left'
'name': 'Python data type',
'className': 'dt-body-left'
'name': 'Core data type',
'className': 'dt-body-left'
'name': 'unit',
'className': 'dt-body-left'
'name': 'I/O',
'className': 'dt-body-left'
'name': 'License',
'className': 'dt-body-left'
'name': 'Version added',
'className': 'dt-body-left'
'name': 'Description',
'visible': False
### start_day
Start day input in CLI interactive dialogue. May take values from 1 to 6, 1 is default. Input and result series start at day 1 in the first week, even if start_day>1. (unit: none)
### mpi_path
Full path to MPI bin folder, for example C:\Program Files\Microsoft MPI\Bin. (unit: none)
### inflow_model
The type of inflow model used in optimization (lognormal, principal, residual) (unit: none)
### min_discharge_cost_d_price
Cost of violating minimum discharge constraint (unit: EUR/MWh)
### read_head_coefficients
Set to 0 to skip reading head coefficients from result files. (unit: none)
### relaxation_tolerance
Tolerance in the relaxation process (unit: none)
### log_file_path
The full path to the directory where the session log file will be written. Default: Folder 'LogFiles' in prodriskPath. (unit: none)
### read_start_time_water_values
Read water values at start time from result file indvan.prd. (unit: none)
### overflow_cost
Penalty cost for reservoir overflow. (unit: EUR/MWh)
### last_iteration_generated_scenarios
Last iteration where generated scenarios are included in the optimization (unit: none)
### min_bypass_cost_volume
Cost of violating minimum bypass constraint (unit: EUR/1000m3)
### inf
Used as unlimited for certain variables in weekly LP problems. (unit: none)
### cut_negative_residual_inflow
If the residual inflow model is used (setting residual_model=1), cut negative inflows to zero if this setting is 1 (recommended, default). (unit: none)
### water_ration_cost
Penalty cost for breaking min filling restrictions. (unit: EUR/MWh)
### cuts_as_endvalue_setting
Use input cuts as end value setting (if provided) if set to 1. Default value is 0. (unit: none)
### min_iterations
Min number of SDDP iterations run (unit: none)
### is_series_simulation
Set to 1 to enable series simulation mode (used for investment planning) (unit: none)
### sim_convex
Adds command line option -SIMCONVEX. This ensures same model is used in the forward and backward iterations. (unit: none)
### min_reservoir_cost_volume
Cost of violating minimum reservoir constraint (unit: EUR/1000m3)
### n_sample_scenarios
Number of sampled inflow scenarios to generate percentiles or extremes from (unit: none)
### ramping_down_cost_volume
Cost of violating ramping down constraint. (unit: EUR/1000m3)
### min_discharge_cost_energy
Cost of violating minimum discharge constraint (unit: EUR/MWh)
### backward_spilling_cost_volume
Cost of spilling in backward recursion (unit: EUR/1000m3)
### ramping_up_cost_energy
Cost of violating ramping up constraint. (unit: EUR/MWh)
### buffer_reservoir_cost_energy
Cost of deviating from the guideline curve for buffer reservoirs (unit: EUR/MWh)
### command_line_option
Command line option, see the Prodrisk documentation (unit: none)
### prepare_shop_input
Create cut file(s) for SHOP (SHOP, Ja in interactive dialogue). (unit: none)
### surplus_power_cost
Penalty cost for surplus power. (unit: EUR/MWh)
### head_coeff_and_cut_id
Setting this value to 0 together with cut input will force a -NOHEAD run. In -SIM runs with no head coefficients set, this id must either be set to 0, or the -NOHEAD option should be used. (unit: none)
### bypass_cost
Global bypass cost (unit: EUR/MWh)
### n_principal_comp
The number of principal components in the inflow model (unit: none)
### read_lognormal_model
If set to 1, Prodrisk will read and use a pre-existing lognormal model for inflow (unit: none)
### user_defined_price_model
Take area->priceBand and area->priceTransition as input and skip GENPRIS (unit: none)
### backward_spilling_cost_energy
Cost of spilling in backward recursion (unit: EUR/MWh)
### n_kmeans
Number of sample points used in K means clustering (unit: none)
### end_week_new_cuts
End week for calculating new cuts, option#5 in CLI interactive dialogue. Cuts given as input for later weeks are used in the final simulation of the whole simulation period. (unit: none)
### future_cost
Future cost for the cuts to SHOP (unit: kEUR)
### first_relaxation_parameter
Parameter in the relaxation process (unit: none)
### shop_file_name
Prefix to the file names of the SHOP-files copied to shop_directory. Default: 'SHOP-SYSTEM'. (unit: none)
### deficit_power_cost
Penalty cost for deficit power. (unit: EUR/MWh)
### reservoir_balance_option
Reservoir balances during the week. Default 0 (weekly reservoir balances) (unit: none)
### backward_bypass_cost_volume
Cost of bypassing in backward recursion (unit: EUR/1000m3)
### min_discharge_cost_volume
Cost of violating minimum discharge constraint (unit: EUR/1000m3)
### read_shop_water_values
Read cuts from result file SHOP-SYSTEM.dat (standard SHOP cut format). Currently only available in the WCF interface. (unit: none)
### read_mean_reservoir_trajectories
Set to 0 to skip reading mean reservoir trajectories from result files. (unit: none)
### use_reserve_up
Set to 1 to include reserve up capacity market (unit: none)
### price_scenario_option
Reserved for future use (?): feature with multiple price scenarios per inflow scenarios currently not available through the API. (unit: none)
### shop_cut_week
Week number standard SHOP cut file should be made for. May be set to 1 or 2. Default value is 1. (unit: none)
### temp_dir
Path to where temp working dir should be created. Special characters are forbidden. Default: prodriskPath. (unit: none)
### write_penalty_logfiles
Set to 1 to make detailed penalty information available. Default is 0, as this might increase the computation time. (unit: none)
### alfa_max
Used as unlimited for objective function in weekly LP problems. (unit: none)
### min_iterations_without_generated_scenarios
Minimum number of iterations without generated scenarios at the end of the optimization (unit: none)
### use_input_pq_curve
Binary option: 1 = use input PQ curve 0 = make PQ curve convex (unit: none)
### ignore_headcoeff_meanres
If nonzero, head coefficients and mean reservoir trajectories are ignored even if set as input. (unit: none)
### price_periods
The hours of each week are aggregated into price periods with the same price to save simulation time. This aggregation is represented as a time series, where each hour in the week is given a tag to represent the corresponding price period. Three different time resolutions may be used for different set of weeks in an optimization: sequential price period, accumulated price periods and weekly resolution. (unit: none)
### n_price_levels
The number of price levels used in the price model, including max and min. (unit: none)
### min_iterations_first_run
Min. no. of iterations in initial strategy computation (to compute head coefficients) (unit: none)
### ramping_down_cost_energy
Cost of violating ramping down constraint. (unit: EUR/MWh)
### reference_price
Reference price for the calculation of water values for SHOP (unit: EUR/MWh)
### node_price_profile
Set to 1 to use the Node dependent price profile functionality. (unit: none)
### forward_spilling_cost_d_price
Cost of spilling in forward simulation (unit: EUR/MWh)
### sequential_price_period_end_week
Last week with sequential price period resolution (unit: none)
### use_reserve_down
Set to 1 to include reserve down capacity market (unit: none)
### suppress_seq_res
Set to 0 to get all module results with sequential price period resolution (unit: none)
### windows_core_delay
Safety delay before envoking core programs on temporary run directory on Windows systems. Default 10000ms. (unit: ms)
### backward_bypass_cost_energy
Cost of bypassing in backward recursion (unit: EUR/MWh)
### n_principal_comp_discrete_values
The number of discrete values for each principal component (unit: none)
### forward_model_option
1 - Forward simulation as final simulation, 0 - Convex forward simulation (unit: none)
### max_iterations_first_run
Max. no. of iterations in initial strategy computation (to compute head coefficients) (unit: none)
### shop_directory
Path to where SHOP files should be copied. (unit: none)
### prodrisk_path
The full path to the folder containing the .exe and .dll files for running Prodrisk (unit: none)
### lognormal_model
If set to 1, the lognormal model for inflow will be used (unit: none)
### forward_spilling_cost_volume
Cost of spilling in forward simulation (unit: EUR/1000m3)
### use_owner_share
Binary variable to control the use of owner share of modules. Production and pump capacities are scaled with ownerShare attributes on the module- and pump objects. (unit: none)
### second_relaxation_parameter
Parameter in the relaxation process (unit: none)
### forward_bypass_cost_volume
Cost of bypassing in forward simulation (unit: EUR/1000m3)
### min_bypass_cost_energy
Cost of violating minimum bypass constraint (unit: EUR/MWh)
### use_coin_osi
Binary variable to choose between running Prodrisk with OSI (1) or CPLEX (0). Default is 0. (unit: none)
### max_reservoir_cost_volume
Cost of violating maximum reservoir constraint (unit: EUR/1000m3)
### inflow_seasons
Define inflow seasons by setting a unique integer tag at the beginning of the first week of each season. A negative tag means that correlations will be zeroed in that season. Default: One season spanning over the whole simulation period. (unit: none)
### n_processes
The number of processes to run in parallel in the simulation (unit: none)
### shop_cut_weeks
Week numbers extended SHOP cut files should be made for. (unit: none)
### print_all
Adds command line option -printall. Will give some more detailed logging, including a file with F-cost per scenario per iteration. (unit: none)
### max_cuts_created
Number of cuts created (unit: none)
### log_file_name
The name of the session log file, including the file extension (the content is always plain text). By default, the name is inherited from the Prodrisk session and has the format 'session_YYYY-MM-DD-hh-mm-ss.txt' (with a time stamp), unless the name of the session is set otherwise (pyprodrisk: with sim_id). (unit: none)
### backward_spilling_cost_d_price
Cost of spilling in backward recursion (unit: EUR/MWh)
### max_reservoir_cost_d_price
Cost of violating maximum reservoir constraint (unit: EUR/MWh)
### ramping_down_cost_d_price
Cost of violating ramping down constraint. (unit: EUR/MWh)
### forward_spilling_cost_energy
Cost of spilling in forward simulation (unit: EUR/MWh)
### aggregated_price_period_start_week
Use weekly resolution from this week (unit: none)
### forward_bypass_cost_energy
Cost of bypassing in forward simulation (unit: EUR/MWh)
### min_reservoir_cost_energy
Cost of violating minimum reservoir constraint (unit: EUR/MWh)
### residual_model
If set to 1, the residual model for inflow will be used instead of the principal component analysis (unit: none)
### buffer_reservoir_cost_d_price
Cost of deviating from the guideline curve for buffer reservoirs (unit: EUR/MWh)
### generated_inflow_type
Type of generated inflow sampling (0: Random, 1: Percentiles, 2: Extremes) (unit: none)
### prodrisk_variant
Name of Prodrisk executable. May be used on linux to test different MPI versions than Intel MPI. (unit: none)
### reservoir_soft_restriction_cost
Penalty cost for breaking soft reservoir restrictions. (unit: EUR/m3)
### backward_bypass_cost_d_price
Cost of bypassing in backward recursion (unit: EUR/MWh)
### sequential_price_period_start_week
First week with sequential price period resolution (unit: none)
### use_non_convex_pq_curve
Enable feature: non convex PQ curve using integer variables in the final simulation (large computation time!). (unit: none)
### ramping_up_cost_volume
Cost of violating ramping up constraint. (unit: EUR/1000m3)
### buffer_reservoir_cost_volume
Cost of deviating from the guideline curve for buffer reservoirs (unit: EUR/1000m3)
### max_reservoir_cost_energy
Cost of violating maximum reservoir constraint (unit: EUR/MWh)
### max_relaxation_iterations
Maximum number of iterations in the relaxation process (unit: none)
### ramping_up_cost_d_price
Cost of violating ramping up constraint. (unit: EUR/MWh)
### forward_bypass_cost_d_price
Cost of bypassing in forward simulation (unit: EUR/MWh)
### min_bypass_cost_d_price
Cost of violating minimum bypass constraint (unit: EUR/MWh)
### convergence_criteria
Convergence tolerance. (unit: %)
### n_generated_scenarios
Number of generated scenarios to include in the optimization (unit: none)
### real_interest_rate
Real interest rate, used to set weekly discount factors for cash flows in future weeks. (unit: %)
### windows_api_delay
Safety delay when launching processes from the API on Windows systems. Default 3000ms. (unit: ms)
### max_iterations
Max number of SDDP iterations run (unit: none)
### min_scenarios_per_price_node
Minimum number of scenarios per price node in the price model. (unit: none)
### min_reservoir_cost_d_price
Cost of violating minimum reservoir constraint (unit: EUR/MWh)