Prodrisk result files#
The following result files are specific for Prodrisk:
The marginal value of water for each reservoir at the start of the period of analysis. This file is not generated if Prodrisk is run in simulation mode (-sim). The file details the start and end weeks, the expected value for the objective function, the price level the water values are calculated for, as well as water vaule data in tabular/matrix form. The water value data consists of unit number, name, maximum reservoir volume, starting and end reservoir volume, and global, local, and global expected water value, as well as global energy equivalent. The data is printed one line per unit with values separated by semicolon.
Coupling file to the short-term program SHOP. This file is only created if specified in the interactive menu, see Section 4.2. This file is not generated if Prodrisk is run in simulation mode (-sim). The file format is documented in the SHOP user manual. “sysfilnavn” is the name of the area model and market description, i.e.,
New format coupling file to the short-term program SHOP which includes coupling coefficients for inflow and data for all price points in Prodrisk. This file is only created if specified in the interactive menu, see Section 4.2, and the command line option which specifies the coupling week(s). This file is not generated if Prodrisk is run in simulation mode (-sim).
Coupling file to the short-term program SHOP. This file is only created if any shop-